January 16 2024

Imagine the Kentucky Derby, but the horses are drones, the jockeys are remote controls, the goggles are still goggles but have antennae and the hats are... well, actually, the hats can stay. Witness as our pilots navigate through hoops, avoid aggressive gusts of wind, and occasionally retrieve their drones from unsuspecting diners. It's a spectacle of speed, skill, and the odd "technical glitch" that sends a drone zipping off into the sunset.



The world’s best drone pilots


The Unofficially Official Hub of The Drone Racing Association for Drones, Quadcopters, Whoops, UAVs, and Other Flying Contraptions

Welcome to DRONE DERBY, where we take our drone racing seriously — and by seriously, we mean about as seriously as one can take a sport that's essentially a real-life video game with better graphics. If you're into drones, quadcopters, whoops, UAVs, or any airborne gadgets that don't require a pilot's license, you've hit the jackpot.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Imagine if the internet had a baby with drone racing.

Well, DRONE DERBY is that baby, all grown up and ready to party. 

It’s the ultimate hangout spot for anyone who thinks drones doing the zoomies is the peak of entertainment.

Predict outcomes, stalk—I mean, follow—your favorite pilots, and get lost in the high-octane world of drone racing.

Hit the "Login" and "Register" buttons with the enthusiasm of a cat chasing a laser pointer. 

Pick Pilot or Fan profile.

Throw in your details, snap a selfie that screams “I love drones,” and bam, you’re in. 

Pilots, there’s a shiny "Pilot" button that unlocks the cool kids' club.

Don’t forget to press it, or you’ll miss out.

Once you submit, go to your email (check your Spam folder) and hit that activation link!

Absolutely! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess who'll win, who'll faceplant, and who'll pull off a surprise comeback. 
Correct guesses get you points, because who doesn’t like winning at life?

Go to RACES and choose the event you want to participate in.

Tap on Rounds (You'll have to register for this) and tap on a Heat.

Look for the PICK button and go ham!  Pick the order that you think the pilots will finish in before the Heat closes.

- Tap once to PICK, Tap again to Unpick.  The order you pick will be the order you think they will finish.

- Pending Heats are Green and ready for your wild guesses.

- Active Heats are Red so get those picks in before they close.

- Closed Heats are no longer available to pick.  These heats have started or completed and the results will be updated soon!

It’s simple: you guess right, you get points. It’s like arcade tickets, but cooler. 
Fans, each spot-on guess nets you 2 points. The more you play the better you get.  Check out the Pilot Leader boards for stats to see who's gonna get you to the Podium and who's gonna give you the whammy! 

"If your not first your last!"
We rank your aerial acrobatics with points, too. 
First place gets a whopping 10 points, sliding down to 1 point for sixth place. Show up or lose out!
1st place bagging 10 points
2nd = 8 points
3rd = 6 points
4th = 4 points
5th = 2 points
6th place earning 1 point.
Did Not Start (DNS) = 0 points.
Did Not Finish (DNF) = -2 points.

D-Class (Hobbyist)

Welcome to the starting line, rookie! D-Class is where every pilot proves they can fly a drone without turning it into an unexpected firework display.

Here, your biggest achievements include not crashing into trees, spectators, or, most importantly, your own pride.

Pilots in this class are still figuring out which part of the drone is the front. It's all about mastering the basics, like taking off without performing an accidental barrel roll.


C-Class (Enthusiasts)

You've graduated from the "please don't hit that" phase and can actually tell what those blinking lights mean.  This is the next step into the Drone Racing World!  The line between RTF birthday drone from Grandma and hand soldered from parts after countless hours on youtube makes you the FPV Know It All!

C-Class pilots have a few races under their belts and are known to occasionally finish a race without asking, "Which way was I supposed to go again?" They have Mr. TinyWhoop on speed dial for that quick shipping Whoop racing part!  Here, talent starts to sparkle like a drone LED in the night sky, but strategy might still be as lost as a drone in a strong wind.

It's time to start taking things a little more seriously, or at least remember to charge your batteries.


B-Class (Advanced)

Welcome to B-Class, where pilots start to get a taste of what drone racing is really about.

You've got some tricks up your sleeve and can navigate through obstacles with the grace of a caffeinated squirrel.

Your drone setup is no longer just whatever was on sale, and you've started to understand that aerodynamics is not a type of fancy gym workout.

Races are competitive, and you're in it to win it, even if your idea of a tactical advantage sometimes means sand baggin into a lower race class.


A-Class (Pro)

A-Class is where the big drones fly. You're not just a pilot; you're an aviator with skills sharp enough to slice through the air like a hot knife through butter, you’re a Zar of the sky!

Your control over your drone is so precise, spectators wonder if it's magic or just a lot of practice. Spoiler: It's both. You've developed rivalries that are less about competition and more about who has the snazziest looking drone. 

Races are intense, and your ability to pull off maneuvers that defy gravity (and sometimes logic) is what keeps you in the sky.


S-Class (Elite)

The myths, the legends, the ones who've transcended drone racing to become something else entirely.

S-Class pilots are so advanced they’ve surpassed power level 9000 and are rumored to control their drones with a Neura-link and a high Midi-chlorian count.

These pilots navigate courses blindfolded to experience a whole new plane of existence. Their drones are top-notch, equipped with technology so advanced, it might as well be from the future.  The only Whoop pilots that can deliver a One Punch face punch!

Winning is not just about crossing the finish line first; it's about doing it in style, with a flip and a wink to the crowd. S-Class is not just a ranking; it's a statement.

ABACADABA always worked on pop quizzes for me!

Oooor you can check out the Pilot Profiles, their rank, the color of their hair… Whatever speaks to you and says, “this one has a 50/50 chance of not crashing”

Also, check out the current Pilot Leaderboard to see:

1. Their Fastest Lap (Lap)

2. Best Qualifying time (Qual)

3. Current Point Total and Position in the group.

Consistency is key!  Fastest lap doesn't correlate 100% to fastes Qual and neither mean they will finish races so also consider their total points also!

You can also check out their Leaderboard stats from previous events. Shake N Bake baby!

Ah, the age-old tale of ghosting. 
If your pilot decides to bail (maybe they saw a really intimidating cloud), we update the heat, and you get to play the guessing game again. 
It’s our way of saying, “It’s not you, it’s them.”

Stalking is such a strong word. We prefer "enthusiastically following." 
And yes, you can absolutely do that. Tap on their Pilot Profiles, check out their social media links and sponsors!

For now, DRONE DERBY is flirting with you via web browser on both desktop and mobile. 
But we’re sending winks and nudges to the universe for a dedicated app. 
Help us make the universe jealous enough to comply by spreading the word!

This superhero power is reserved for event organizers who’ve been entrusted with the sacred admin interface. 
It’s like being handed the keys to the city, but for drone races. Want in? Shoot us a bat signal (or just an email).

Got more burning questions? We’re like the fire department for your curiosity. 
Send us a flare via email or signal us on social media. 
We’re here to douse those flames with answers and maybe, just maybe, make your DRONE DERBY experience even more epic.


The benevolent overlords of drone racing's piggy bank