For Fans

Ever fantasized about being a drone racing guru with the power to predict outcomes like a modern-day Nostradamus? Get your profile up on DRONE DERBY and make those dreams a lofty reality. Show off your psychic prowess, or just wild guesses, and gather points that matter... at least here. It's like fantasy sports, but the athletes have rotors and are prone to unplanned, rapid, deconstruction events.

For Pilots

Pilots, assemble! This is your chance to shine, or blink very brightly in LED terms. DRONE DERBY lets you strut your stuff, tally your triumphs, and maybe downplay those times you got a little too close to a tree. It's the Hall of Fame, the Wall of Cool, and that little bit of internet immortality you've always wanted.

Real-Time Engagement

Dive headfirst into the vortex of drone racing events with the enthusiasm of a puppy chasing a remote-controlled car. At DRONE DERBY, we serve up race heats like a barista at a caffeine convention. Organizers, you've got the power to control the chaos, crafting and reshaping the heats as if you were playing Tetris with drones.

Be Social or Be a Hermit – We're Cool Either Way

Stalk your favorite pilots or be an enigma wrapped in a mystery — on DRONE DERBY, how social you get is entirely up to you. Our follow feature is less 'creepy ex' and more 'supportive bestie'. Get involved in the Q&A sessions where you can ask those burning questions like, "How does one not crash into a tree?"

The Great Drone Derby or for short, The Drone Racing Association for Drones, Quadcopters, Whoops, UAVs, and other things (yeah, we're thorough with the name) is more than a website — it's a digital experience. So, whether you're here to spectate, participate, or dominate, DRONE DERBY is your portal to the drone racing universe. Don't fly solo; join us and be part of the swarm.